Silver Spot Price 5-Year History

Silver Spot Price 5-Year History

Silver is a precious metal, often likened to shimmering liquid moonlight. Its spot price can be seen as a reflection of the global economic landscape and its health.

In this article, we will take a look at the 5-year history of silver spot prices, examining key historical trends, correlations to other assets, and factors that influence changes in price over time. Additionally, we will explore some predictions for where silver prices may go in the future.

Silver Spot Price Overview

Examining the five-year trajectory of the commodity provides an overview of its fluctuations.

Silver spot prices have experienced a significant amount of volatility over the past five years, with high points and low points that have been well documented throughout this time period.

The highest point for silver was in April 2011, when it hit a peak value of $49.21 per troy ounce.

Since then it has experienced steady declines until hitting its lowest point in February 2017, when it fell to $14.54 per troy ounce.

Over the last two years there has been an increase in price to around $17 by December 2018 before rising again to reach levels slightly above $19 as of June 2019.

These highs and lows illustrate how volatile silver spot prices can be over a short period of time, providing insight into potential future trends and their impact on investors looking to enter the market with long term investments in mind.

Historical Price Trends

Remarkable growth in price has been observed over the past five years for silver, making it an exciting period to analyze. Many factors contribute to the movement of prices, such as supply and demand, economic conditions, political stability and central bank policies.

In the last 5 years, silver spot prices experienced a large degree of volatility ranging from multiyear lows to all-time highs due to these various factors. It is important to note that silver spot prices are highly sensitive to global market sentiment which can move prices rapidly in either direction depending on investor confidence.

In addition, political events have had a strong impact on the price of silver over this period. Silver spot prices saw their highest level ever during this time period due largely to heightened geopolitical tensions in 2019 caused by trade wars among major economies and other regional disputes.

Similarly, when economic data was released showing signs of weaker than expected growth globally in 2020, investors flocked towards safe haven assets like gold and silver causing a surge in these commodities’ spot prices followed by further corrections later as risk appetite returned among investors.

Correlations to Other Assets

Investigating the correlation between silver spot prices and other assets can provide insight into how the price of silver reacts to global market sentiment.

Analysis of historical data from the past five years suggests that silver spot prices are not as strongly correlated with stocks, bonds, or commodities as other precious metals such as gold.

However, silver does tend to track closely with changes in the US Dollar Index and gold prices.

When the value of either asset increases, it typically causes a corresponding increase in the price of silver.

In addition, when gold experiences higher volatility than usual, this also tends to lead to increased volatility in silver’s price movements.

This suggests that investors should pay close attention to both gold and US Dollar Index movements when forecasting future trends in the price of silver.

Factors that Influence Price Changes

A variety of factors contribute to changes in the spot price of silver, including movements in the US Dollar Index and gold prices. In addition, economic uncertainty and geopolitical events have been known to affect the supply and demand for silver.

For example, an increase in investor risk appetite can lead to a higher demand for precious metals such as silver, which often results in a rise in its spot price. On the other hand, a decrease in investment sentiment can reduce demand for silver and cause its spot price to decline.

Supply disruptions caused by extreme weather conditions or strikes at mines can lead to reduced production of silver and therefore result in an increase in its spot price. Furthermore, investors tend to view certain commodities such as silver as a safe-haven asset during times of economic distress or political upheaval which can also push up its spot price.

Finally, global trends affecting industrial production may impact both short-term and long-term demand for silver which could affect its corresponding spot prices over time.

Predictions for the Future

The future of silver spot prices may be heavily impacted by a variety of economic and geopolitical factors, making it difficult to make accurate predictions. However, there are several key areas that could affect the direction of silver prices in the coming years:

  • An increase in industrial demand for silver could result in higher spot prices due to increased competition for available supply.
  • Political tensions between major economies may lead to increased uncertainty and volatility in global markets, which could have an impact on silver pricing.
  • Changes in currency exchange rates could cause fluctuations or changes in the value of silver relative to other currencies.
  • Growing concerns about inflation and deflation could also influence the price of silver as investors flock towards safe-haven assets such as precious metals.
  • Technological advances such as artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology may have a role to play in increasing efficiency within the commodities market, which could then lead to more efficient pricing mechanisms for silver.

In conclusion, while it is difficult to accurately predict long-term trends with any certainty, these potential influences can serve as useful indicators when attempting to forecast short-term movements in silver spot prices over the next 5 years.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the current silver spot price?

A timeless adage: ‘what is old is new again’ speaks volumes to the current silver spot price. It has been a precious metal for centuries, with its value fluctuating over time due to ever-changing economic conditions.

Currently, the silver spot price is around $25 per ounce, a slight increase from earlier this year. As of November 2020, the average five-year trend in silver prices suggests that it remains fairly stable and has not experienced any significant volatility.

This could be attributed to a combination of factors including supply and demand dynamics as well as market sentiment.

Are there other metals that have a similar price history to silver?

Gold is one of the metals that have a price history similar to silver.

Both precious metals have historically been viewed as safe havens during times of economic uncertainty, with their prices increasing when stock markets are volatile and confidence in the economy is low.

This has been seen in recent years as both gold and silver prices rose significantly between 2015 and 2020, providing investors with returns that outperformed those of other asset classes.

Furthermore, both commodities tend to show higher volatility than other assets, making them attractive investments for those who are comfortable taking on higher levels of risk.

What is the typical volatility of the silver spot price?

The volatility of silver spot price is typically high, as it is subject to a number of factors such as supply and demand, geopolitical events, currency fluctuations, and speculation.

The daily range of the silver spot price can vary significantly from day to day, with large swings in value seen on occasion.

Over longer time periods such as a year or more, the volatility tends to decrease as some of these factors become less influential over time.

How does the silver spot price compare to gold?

The silver spot price has been shown to have a higher volatility than gold, but over the long-term, its performance has been relatively similar.

A comparison of the average annual return for both metals from 2015 to 2019 reveals that silver had an average return of 1.18% while gold saw an average return of 1.29%.

This difference is slight and shows that these two precious metals have largely moved in tandem in recent years.

However, there are times when silver can outperform gold as it did in 2016 with a 4.3% gain compared to 0.7% for gold during the same period.

What are the benefits of investing in silver?

Investing in silver has a number of potential benefits. Firstly, silver is often more affordable than gold and other precious metals, which may make it a better investment for those on a budget.

Secondly, silver is widely used in industry, so its price can rise when demand increases.

Thirdly, silver has significant potential for capital appreciation over the long term and due to its low correlation with other asset classes; it can help diversify an investor’s portfolio.

Finally, because silver is more volatile than gold or stocks and bonds, some investors believe that there are greater opportunities for short-term profits when trading silver.


The silver spot price has seen its fair share of fluctuation over the past five years. Overall, this trend can be attributed to a variety of factors including economic growth, currency value and investor sentiment.

These correlations are further reinforced by the fact that silver prices have often mirrored the performance of other assets such as gold and stocks.

Looking ahead, it is difficult to predict what direction the market will take in the future; however, it is clear that there are numerous forces at play which could result in significant shifts in price from one year to the next.

One thing is certain: investors should buckle up for a bumpy ride. Despite the uncertainty, those who keep their eyes on the prize may just come out smelling like roses.

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